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in an age, where everything is visualised and everywhere is filled with screens, television programs are in an internal cycle, as they continuously refer to, absorb, and give rebirths to themselves.

every opposition, every revolt and every attempt to break the cycle are embodied by the cycle, morphed and turned into a part of it. this ideological apparatus can be seen as an endless avalanche with fluid focal points, that consist of femininity, masculinity, childhood, adulthood, morality, family, society, history, truth, beauty, aesthetics, normativity and so on. 


the whole reality is continuously destructed and reconstructed on top of itself over and over again.


the whole reality is a pile of mud which consists of elements linked to each other like a chain's links.


"bu akşam ne var?" (what is on tonight?) is a an hour and a half long video which contains advertisements, music videos, television series, reality shows and news, all of which are taken from the endless chain of the turkish television programs of the late 2000's and the early 2010's period. with the pixelated and distorted image, the self referring and blurred popular culture mud was aimed to be visualised. although the video can be found extremely difficult to follow for people who are not familiar with the shows, a person who contacted with the turkish television during the stated era, has the chance to find its way in this audio visual mess.


the video was edited as a final project for dr. selen ansen's "art and technology" course at istanbul bilgi university, during 2013.

bu akşam ne var?

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